An android library for beautiful custom dialogs

Aesthetic Dialogs for Android

?Android Library to implement custom, ?beautiful, ?stylish Dialog in android apps easily.

AestheticDialogs is a library that provides beautiful and custom Dialog inspired by Laravel Notify.

Types of Dialog

AestheticDialog At this moment, library provides six types of dialog i.e.

1. Flash Dialog 2. Connectify Dialog 3. Toaster Dialog
1. Emotion Dialog 2. Drake Dialog 3. Emoji Dialog


Implementation of Material Dialog library is so easy. You can check /app directory for demo. Let's have look on basic steps of implementation.


i. Gradle

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url "" }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.gabriel-TheCode:AestheticDialogs:1.0.0'

Create Dialog


                AestheticDialog.showFlashDialog(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.SUCCESS);
                AestheticDialog.showFlashDialog(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.ERROR);


                AestheticDialog.showConnectify(this,"Your message", AestheticDialog.SUCCESS);
                AestheticDialog.showConnectify(this, "Your message", AestheticDialog.ERROR);


                AestheticDialog.showToaster(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.ERROR);
                AestheticDialog.showToaster(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.SUCCESS);
                AestheticDialog.showToaster(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.WARNING);
                AestheticDialog.showToaster(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.INFO);

Drake :

                AestheticDialog.showDrake(this, AestheticDialog.SUCCESS);
                AestheticDialog.showDrake(this, AestheticDialog.ERROR);

Emoji :

                AestheticDialog.showEmoji(this,"Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.SUCCESS);
                AestheticDialog.showEmoji(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.ERROR);

Emotion :

                AestheticDialog.showEmotion(this,"Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.SUCCESS);
                AestheticDialog.showEmotion(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.ERROR);


You can download the demo app on PlayStore
