An Android Jetpack Compose library providing customizable Squircle shapes for UI components

Squircle Shape

An Android Jetpack Compose library providing customizable Squircle shapes for UI components.

Why Squircle?

  • The squircle is an intermediate shape between a square and a circle, present in digital and real products as well.
  • Whereas the corners of a rounded square remain at 90 degree angle, the edges of a squircle curve smoothly outwards from each corner, forming an arc, thus creating an optically pleasing shape.
  • Currently, there aren’t any squircle shapes in Android out of the box. That’s why this project was created, with the main goal being to provide an easy implementation of a squircle shape for UI components built with Jetpack Compose.


  • Project Min SDK version – 23
  • Jetpack Compose version – 1.4.3
  • Jetpack Compose Compiler version – 1.4.7
  • Kotlin version – 1.8.21

Gradle Kotlin DSL Setup

Step 1

  • Add the Jitpack maven repository in your settings.gradle.kts file.

repositories {
    maven(url = "")

Step 2

  • Add the Squircle Shape dependency in your module build.gradle.kts file.
  • Or if you’re using a version catalog (e.g. libs.versions.toml), declare it there.

squircle-shape = "1.0.2"

squircle-shape = { group = "com.github.stoyan-vuchev", name = "squircle-shape", version.ref = "squircle-shape" }
  • Then include the dependency in your module build.gradle.kts file.

Step 3

  • Sync and rebuild the project.

Gradle Groovy Setup

Step 1

  • Add the Jitpack maven repository in your project (root) level build.gradle file.

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Step 2

  • Add the Squircle Shape dependency in your module build.gradle file.
implementation 'com.github.stoyan-vuchev:squircle-shape:1.0.2'

Step 3

  • Sync and rebuild the project.


  • For components, use SquircleShape(), which comes in multiple variants for multiple use cases, so different variants have different parameters (percent: Float, radius: Dp, etc.).

  • However, there is a single common parameter in all variants – cornerSmoothing: Float.

  • The cornerSmoothing as you may have or may have not guessed, is responsible for adjusting the smoothness of the corners, the foundation of every squircle shape.

  • Take a look at the SquircleShape.kt file for more information.

  • For a single percent based corner radius, use the variant of SquircleShape() with precent: Int and cornerSmoothing: Float parameters.

    percent = 100,
    cornerSmoothing = 0.72f
  • There are also a pixel (Float) and dp (Dp) based variants.

  • For a multiple percent based corner radii, use the variant of SquircleShape() with topStart: Int, topEnd: Int, bottomStart: Int, bottomEnd: Int, and cornerSmoothing: Float parameters.

    topStart = 50,
    topEnd = 10,
    bottomStart = 50,
    bottomEnd = 10,
    cornerSmoothing = 0.72f
  • There are also a pixel (Float) and dp (Dp) based variants.

  • Here is an example use of a Button using the default SquircleShape().

    onClick = { /* Action */ },
    shape = SquircleShape() // Fully rounded squircle shape.
) {
    Text(text = "Full Squircle")

  • This is an example of Image clipped to the default SquircleShape().

    modifier = Modifier
        .clip(shape = SquircleShape()), // Clipped to a fully rounded squircle shape.
    painter = painterResource(R.drawable.mlbb_novaria),
    contentDescription = "An image of Novaria.",
    contentScale = ContentScale.Crop

  • There is also a support for drawing squircle shapes in Canvas – drawSquircle().
  • All methods for creating a squircle shape use the squircleShapePath(). You can find it inside the SquircleShapePath.kt file.


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.


Created by @stoyan-vuchev – feel free to contact me! E-mail –


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