An android application demo targetted at photo bloggers to upload photo as their blog content in a swift manner


An android application demo targetted at photo bloggers to upload photo as their blog content in a swift manner. Uses Imgur to store images anonymously and Google’s Blogger to upload the blog posts which usually contains images. Originally made for Twelveians to let the admin post his content quickly.

Prerequisites to use this project

Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Register your application in the Imgur API console to get CLIENT-ID using this link.
  • Create a new Google Cloud Console project and enable Blogger v3 api using this link.
  • Create a Oauth2 client in the Google Cloud Console which authorizes permission to manage blogger account.
  • Find out the BLOG-ID by signing in the blogger account using this link.

Credential configuration

Create “” file in the root project directory in the following format:

// Blog id of the blog to communicate with blogger api.

// Client id of the imgur to communicate with imgur endpoints.

These keys will be used to communicate with Imgur and Blogger endpoints.

Technology used

  • Jetpack Compose
  • Imgur API
  • Blogger API



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If you want to contact me you can reach me at


This project uses the following license: GNU GPL v3.


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