An abnormal horizontal ListView-like pile layout with stretch and contraction effects


An abnormal horizontal ListView-like pile layout.

captured images

The following pictures were captured earlier. Since the source code and the outputted-apk have changed some params, you will have a different UI when you directly run the code or install the apk file. Hope there has no confusions later.


Recently I have seen this kind of UI design, and at the first sight I was trying to implement it by using RecyclerView's LayoutManager. Unfortunately, I am unable to contrust a clear Math model while sliding the PileView. After several tries, I gave up LayoutManager, and find another way for this implementation. If you make LayoutManager works well for this UI design, please tell me later.

how to use

  1. declare PileLayout in your xml file
        pile:widthHeightRate="1.22" />

Meanwhile, pileLayout is able to be customized by these 4 params:

name format description
interval dimension items-margin each other
sizeRatio float each item's height/witdth
scaleStep float size scale step when needed
displayCount float number of items that may display
  1. in Java files:
pileLayout = (PileLayout) findViewById(;
pileLayout.setAdapter(new PileLayout.Adapter() {
            public int getLayoutId() {
                // item's layout resource id
                return R.layout.item_layout;

            public void bindView(View view, int position) {
                ViewHolder viewHolder = (ViewHolder) view.getTag();
                if (viewHolder == null) {
                    viewHolder = new ViewHolder();
                    viewHolder.imageView = (ImageView) view.findViewById(;
                // recycled view bind new position

            public int getItemCount() {
                // item count
                return dataList.size();

            public void displaying(int position) {
                // right displaying the left biggest itemView's position 

            public void onItemClick(View view, int position) {
                // on item click
