A wave loading animation as a Drawable


This library provides a wave loading animation as a Drawable.

How to use

Add dependency:

compile 'com.race604.waveloading:library:1.1.1'

Use in your project with only one line:

Drawable mWaveDrawable = new WaveDrawable(otherDrawable);

// Use as common drawable

Other configurable APIs:

  • public void setWaveAmplitude(int amplitude), set wave amplitude (in pixels)
  • public void setWaveLength(int length), set wave length (in pixels)
  • public void setWaveSpeed(int step), set wave move speed (in pixels)
  • public void setIndeterminate(boolean indeterminate), like progress bar, if run
    in indeterminate mode, it'll increase water level over and over again, otherwise, you can
    use boolean setLevel(int level) to set the water level, acting as loading progress.
  • public void setIndeterminateAnimator(ValueAnimator animator), set you customised animator
    for wave loading animation in indeterminate mode.
