A tool for scan and replace file content


A tool for scan and replace file content

Instead of global search and replace, it can specify replace scope


java -jar ScanReplace-<version>.jar <filePathToKeyFilePath> <keyValueFilePath> [outputFolderPath]


java -jar ScanReplace-1.1.0.jar filePathToKey.txt keyValue.txt

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Create filePathToKey.txt

test.txt = key1, key2

Create keyValue.txt

key1 = [it is key 1]
key2 = [key2 here]

Create test.txt

meow 42

Run script

java -jar ScanReplace-<version>.jar filePathToKey.txt keyValue.txt

Content of test.txt will change to be

[it is key 1]
meow 42
[key2 here]


Format of filePathToKey.txt is

<path> = <key1>, <key2>, ...
<path> = <key1>, <key2>, ...

Format of keyValue.txt is

<key> = <value>
<key> = <value>

White space in left and right will be trim

<path> can refer under directory

e.g. dir1/test.txt

Only the key declare in filePathToKey.txt to corresponding file will be scan and replace

For example

// filePathToKey.txt
test.txt = key1

// keyValue.txt
key1 = [it is key1]
key2 = [it is key2]

// test.txt

key2 in test.txt will not be replace, because key2 not declare in filePathToKey.txt to corresponding file

You can check out a example in example/key2-not-replace/

Option [outputFolderPath] set output folder

All output file with [outputFolderPath] as parent directory

For example:

java -jar ScanReplace-<version>.jar <filePathToKeyFilePath> <keyValueFilePath> output

Leave it blank will replace file in-place


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