A text and input validation library in Kotlin for Android


A text and input validation library in Kotlin for Android.

? Installation

Add this in app's build.gradle file:

   implementation "com.wajahatkarim3.easyvalidation:easyvalidation-core:1.0.1"

⭐️ Features

  • The Validator way validation support. - Details
  • 30+ built-in validation rules like empty, email, credit cards, etc. - Rules List
  • Extension methods for String, EditText, TextView, AutoCompleteTextView, TextInputLayout, and Spinner. - Details
  • Multiple Validations and Checks - Details
  • Collection Extension Methods for validations on multiple texts and views - Details
  • Create your own custom rules - Details

❓ Quick Usage

For example, you can validate any email String like this:

   var myEmailStr = "john.doe@gmail.com"
   var isValid = myEmailStr.validEmail()  // isValid will be true or false
   // Or you can also validate with an error callback method
   myEmailStr.validEmail() {
       // This method will be called when myEmailStr is not a valid email.
       Toast.makeText(contex, it, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

These extension methods are also available for String, EditText, TextView, AutoCompleteTextView, TextInputLayout, and Spinner.

   var myEditText = findViewById<EditText>(R.id.myEditText)
   var isValid = myEditText.nonEmpty()        // Checks if edit text is empty or not

   // Or with error callback method like this
   myEditText.nonEmpty() {
       // This method will be called when myEditText is empty.
       myEditText.error = it

There are around 30+ built-in rules in the core module library. You can check all these in Rules page.
EasyValidation also supports multiple validation checks at same time using Validator class like this:

// This example will check that whether user entered password has
// atleast one number, one spcial character, and one upper case.
var txtPassword = findViewById<EditText>(R.id.txtPassword)
     .addErrorCallback { 
          txtPassword.error = it
          // it will contain the right message. 
          // For example, if edit text is empty, 
          // then 'it' will show "Can't be Empty" message
