A Task Management and Habit-building App, representating my journey in Android as well as my first Kotlin App
A Task Management and Habit-building App, representating my journey in Android as well as my first Kotlin App. ? ✨
A simple efficient solution for users to create, edit, delete tasks and habits and assign them colored task tags and and distinguishable habit images. The app is available in both light and dark mode.
? Screenshots
MAD Score
? Built With
- Kotlin – Programming Language Used in the app.
- Room Database – For persisting data/tasks in device’s local storage.
- Navigation Component Library – For setting up app’s navigation.
- LiveData – Used to observe the data on the UI layer
- ViewModel – To Store UI-related data that isnt destroyed on UI changes.
- RecylerView – To Display data in a list format.
- Material-Components – Material design components TextInputLayout, buttons
- Lottie Animations – Lightweight, scalable animations
Tasks&Habits is based on the MVVM architecture and the Repository pattern.
? Resources
- Illustrations are from IconScout
- Animations are from LottieFiles