A support customView dialog library based on DialogFragment
A simple, support customView dialog library based on DialogFragment. We can use it to show dialog more simply.
Easier to use
Show dialog on a anchor view
Plenty of properties to setup for custom view
Global configs
Orientation Rotate with data and view-event maintaining
you can show a normal dialog just like this.
//ok button clicked
or you can show a dialog with custom view which will anchor another view just like this.
.show { df,dialogview,_ ->
//do sth when view is inflated
add jcenter() firstly:
repositories {
if you use androidx,please do like this:
implementation 'com.cysion:WeDialog:1.0.3.x'
else ,do like this:
implementation 'com.cysion:WeDialog:1.0.3'
How to use
There are three kinds of Dialogs in the library, the usage of them are as belows:
- LoadingDialog
show loading:
dismiss loading:
if you want to show a different dialog,you can overwrite we_dialog_loading.xml in your own module.It should be emphasized that the layout name must be same as we_dialog_loading.
- NormalDialog
A dialog with title,msg,cancel button and confirm button.
.clickCancel {//options
//do sth when the cancel button is clicked
.show {//Required.invoke this method to show dialog
//do sth when the confirm button is clicked
advanced usage:
Method | Description |
setTitle() | setTitle |
setTitleColor() | setTitleColor |
setMsg() | set text for dialog content |
setMsgSize() | set textsize of dialog content |
setYesText() | set confirm button text |
setYesColor() | set confirm button textcolor |
setNoText() | set cancel button text |
showOneBtn() | only show confirm button |
clickCancel() | set cancel button click listener |
setAnim() | set animation for dialog show or dismiss,@StyleRes |
setWidthRatio() | set width ratio of dialog relative to screen window width |
setCancelable() | set whether the dialog could be dismissed by click key |
if you want to show a different dialog,you can overwrite we_dialog_normal.xml in your own module.It should be emphasized that the layout name and all childview's id must be same as that in we_dialog_normal.xml.
- CustomDialog
A dialog with custom view.
.show { _,_,_ ->
//do sth when view is inflated
advanced usage:
Method | Description |
layout() | set custom view layoutId, @LayoutRes |
setGravity() | set Dialog gravity,e.g TOP,CENTER |
params() | set extra data for dialog view |
setDim() | set dimcount of dialog |
setXOffset() | set XOffset of dialog,px |
setYOffset | set XOffset of dialog,px |
anchor() | set anchor view for dialog |
setAnim() | set animation for dialog show or dismiss,@StyleRes |
setWidthRatio() | set width ratio of dialog relative to screen window width |
setCancelable() | set whether the dialog could be dismissed by click key |
WeDialog.initOnce(config: Config) could let you configure globally