A Spotify Clone that plays music and has similar UI to actual Spotify Mobile App

Spotify Clone

A Spotify Clone App that can play music, and has a good looking UI that is very similar to actual Spotify Mobile App on Play Store

I used technologies and patterns such as

  • MVVM architecture
  • Services
  • Notification Player
  • Exoplayer
  • LiveData
  • Glide
  • Kotlin Coroutines
  • Navigation Components
  • RecyclerView inside of a RecyclerView
  • Fragments
  • Material Components


The part I struggled with was the Notification Player part. I know other Spotify Clone Apps out there don’t have a Notification Player feature, but I wanted to implement it in order to gain extra functionality. Also, it actually can play music.

You can run the application by simply opening it with Android Studio. I will also provide an APK file in apk directory, if there is no apk directory, then I probably didn’t provided it yet so stay tuned

This project is not a part of some courses I’ve taken or some bootcamp. I did not followed any project implementation out there… So the project is totally unique.


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