A simple template for Kotlin JVM and Multiplatform (JVM/JS) targeted libraries

? kmpp-template

A simple template for Kotlin JVM and Multiplatform (JVM/JS) targeted libraries, relying on Gradle precompiled plugins and enabled for publishing and unit/integration testing.

? Instructions: IntelliJ

  1. git clone https://git.hexalite.org/kmpp-template.git <project name>
  2. Open this project on any IntelliJ IDEA-based IDE, and press Ctrl+Shift+R. In the first input box, you just need to put kmpp, in the second one you put the name you desire for this project. Then you need to do another replacement: for example, if you chose ‘josisvaldo’ as project name, you need to replace LibrariesForjosisvaldo with LibrariesForJosisvaldo.
  3. Rename buildSrc/main/java/*-conventions.gradle, kmpp-core and kmpp.libs.toml: replace kmpp by the name of the project you have put in the second step.


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