A place autocomplete search dialog which uses Google's places API for finding results
Place Search Dialog
A place autocomplete search dialog which uses Google's places API for finding results.
The dialog searches for locations from all around the world. To customize it, set the new location bounds using .setLatLngBounds(BOUNDS)
How to use
PlaceSearchDialog requires Places API key by Google. You can get it from here.
Use the dialog as it is
PlaceSearchDialog placeSearchDialog = new PlaceSearchDialog.Builder(this)
.setLocationNameListener(new PlaceSearchDialog.LocationNameListener() {
public void locationName(String locationName) {
//set textview or edittext
or Customize it accordingly
PlaceSearchDialog placeSearchDialog = new PlaceSearchDialog.Builder(this)
.setHintText("Enter location name")
.setLocationNameListener(new PlaceSearchDialog.LocationNameListener() {
public void locationName(String locationName) {
//set textview or edittext
Add this in your applications AndroidManifest.xml
<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.geo.API_KEY"
android:value="YOUR_API_KEY" />
Just use it as a dependency in your app's build.gradle file
dependencies {
compile 'com.codemybrainsout.placesearchdialog:placesearch:1.0.1'
Ensure you have android-maven-plugin version that support aar archives and add following dependency: