A simple demo app using ViewModel & LiveData with Retrofit, Glide and Moshi in Kotlin


Is Android app that uses Kotlin and MVVM architecture is a simple app that uses Coroutines, LiveData with Retrofit, Glide, Moshi .

Connect to the Internet – Mars Real Estate

This is the toy app for Lesson 8 of the Android App Development in Kotlin course on Udacity.

This app demonstrates the following views and techniques:

  • Retrofit to make api calls to an HTTP web service
  • Moshi which handles the deserialization of the returned JSON to Kotlin data objects
  • Glide to load and cache images by URL.
  • Kotlin Coroutines a software module specially organized to ensure interaction with other modules on the principle of cooperative multitasking.

It leverages the following components from the Jetpack library:

How does this work?


### Also, you can install app-debug.apk to check the app ###


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