A Simple calculator app for WearOS
QuickCalc – Simple calculator app for WearOS
I got a Pixel Watch 2 and was surprised to find that there was no calculator app. So I made a quick and simple one that does the job. I know you could just use Google Assistant, but I wanted something that I could use without having to speak to my watch in public lol.
I designed it specifically for the Pixel Watch 2 (which is round), so it might not look great on other watches.
I based it on the stock Pixel calculator, and styled it to match my Material You colour scheme. Feel free to fork and change the colours to match your own theme.
- Horiztonal scrollable display
- Backspace button
- Stock appearance
- Download the latest release from the releases page
- Activate Developer Mode on your watch (click on the build number 7 times)
- Enable Wireless Debugging in Developer Options
- Use ADB on your computer to Pair and Connect to your watch via Wireless Debugging. Official instructions on that here
- Once connected, type
adb install <path to QuickCalc.apk>
Known issues
- Most cases are covered but there are probably some edge cases that I haven’t thought of. ex.: it will let you type operators after a
which shouldn’t be allowed. - It is a tiny bit slow when typing numbers, but I think that’s just because of the way I’m handling the input. If I find a better way to do it I’ll update the app.
To do
- put on Google Play Store