A simple Android library for displaying a DateAndTimePicker
CustomDateTimePicker is a A simple Android library for displaying a DateAndTimePicker with From and To ranges as a custom dialog. This custom picker allow user to pick both date and time in same dialog at same time.
Add Jitpack to your project build.gralde file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Then add this dependency to your app build.gradle file.
dependencies {
implementation 'https://github.com/noowenz/CustomDateTimePicker:latest-release'
Make sure your Activity/Fragment implements ICustomDateTimeListener
, and then you
can just do this:
.setDate( Calendar.getInstance())
You can see this in action in the sample app here
You can customize things like bellow
CustomDateTimePicker(this, object : CustomDateTimePicker.ICustomDateTimeListener {
override fun onSet(
dialog: Dialog,
calendarSelected: Calendar,
dateSelected: Date,
year: Int,
monthFullName: String,
monthShortName: String,
monthNumber: Int,
day: Int,
weekDayFullName: String,
weekDayShortName: String,
hour24: Int,
hour12: Int,
min: Int,
sec: Int,
AM_PM: String
) {
//Get any time of date and time data here and process further...
override fun onCancel() {
}).apply {
set24HourFormat(false)//24hr format is off
minDate = Calendar.getInstance().apply { add(Calendar.MINUTE, 5) }.timeInMillis,//min date is 5 min after current time
maxDate = Calendar.getInstance().apply { add(Calendar.YEAR, 1) }.timeInMillis//max date is next 1 year
setMaxMinDisplayedTime(5)//min time is 5 min after current time
setDate(Calendar.getInstance())//date and time will show in dialog is current time and date. We can change this according to our need