A simple and powerful HTTP networking lib for Kotlin/Android
Kine (Kotlin I/O Networking Extensions)
A simple and powerful HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android.
- [x] Supports synchronous and asynchronous requests
- [x] Download file with progress
- [x] Get Image as bitmap from url
- [x] MultiPart Upload
- [x] Response caching in disk
- [x] OkHttp cache control full support
- [x] Supports OkHttp with ability to write your own Httpclient
- [x] Cancel any in-flight request
- [x] Request timeout with retry policy
- [x] App Wide Configuration using
with support for common Headers , base Url for all request - [x] Log manager with option to turn logging off for per request and App wide
- [x] Supports response deserialization into POJO/POKO with Gson or Moshi
- [x] Supports reactive programming via RxJava 2.x / RxJava 3.x
- [x] Supports kotlin coroutines
- [x] Supports live data
- [x] Supports ability to handle any type of response with custom converter option
Upcoming Planned Features
- Support for jackson parser
- Bitmap caching and auto previous request cancellation for ImageLoading
- New interceptor api for manipulating request pre execute
Library is available on jcenter
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'com.kine:kine:' //for JVM
compile 'com.kine:kine-json:' //for json support(do not use this dependency in android project)
compile 'com.kine:kine-android:' //for Android
compile 'com.kine:kine-rxjava2:' //for RxJava2 support
compile 'com.kine:kine-rxjava3:' //for RxJava3 support
compile 'com.kine:kine-coroutine:' //for Coroutine support
compile 'com.kine:kine-livedata:' //for LiveData support
compile 'com.kine:kine-gson:' //for Gson support
compile 'com.kine:kine-moshi:' //for Moshi support
compile 'com.kine:kine-okhttp:' //for OkHttp support
compile 'com.kine:kine-okhttplegacy:' //for Legacy OkHttp support(API 9)
compile 'com.kine:kine-imageloader:' //for Imageloading support
Note: Kine will autodetect if android,okhttp,gson or moshi dependency are there and set appropriate client, converter or main thread callback you don't need to specify them,if both moshi and gson are there, kine will add moshi first(converter are always called by add order so if you have both dependency and trying to parse it using gson it won't work). To override this behaviour you can set them using Kine.builder()
as shown below
Kine Configuration
.headers(hashMapOf()) // common headers for all app requests
.client(OkHttpKineClient()) // common client to use for all requests
.converter(GsonConverter()) // gson converter for parsing response
.connectionChecker(SimpleConnectionChecker(context!!)) // a simple connection checker for no internet
.baseUrl(ConfigUtils.dummyBaseUrl) // a base url for all requests
.logLevel(LogLevel.ERROR) // logs to display according to level
.disableAllLogs(true) // disable all logging for all requests
Note: Options provided with individual KineRequest
will always take priority over Kine
global configuration except for headers , headers will always be added to individual request headers specified by the user
Kine requests can be made with KineRequest
class or using one of the String
or other extension methods.
If you specify a callback the call is asynchronous, if you don't its synchronous.
Exception will be thrown in synchronous (you need to catch them).
Exception will be delivered to onError callback in asynchronous except for user error like not specifying a converter and expecting a parsed response.
Get Json
"https://example/api/test".httpGet().responseAs(JSONObject::class.java,{ response->
val response = response.body
}, { e ->
// for sync
val response = "https://example/api/test".httpGet().responseAs(JSONObject::class.java)
Get String
"https://example/api/test".httpGet().responseAs(String::class.java,{ response->
val response = response.body
}, { e ->
// for sync
val response = "https://example/api/test".httpGet().responseAs(String::class.java)
Get JsonArray
"https://example/api/test".httpGet().responseAs(JSONArray::class.java,{ response->
val list = Gson().fromJsonArray<Post>(response.body.toString())
}, { e ->
// for sync
val response = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts".httpGet().responseAs(JSONArray::class.java)
Gson (requires kine-gson dependency) / Moshi (requires kine-moshi dependency)
"https://example/api/test".httpGet().responseAs(User::class.java,{ response->
val user:User = response.body
}, { e ->
// for sync
val response = "https://example/api/test".httpGet().responseAs(User::class.java)
RxJava2 (requires kine-rxjava2 dependency) / RxJava3 (requires kine-rxjava3 dependency)
.subscribe(object : SingleObserver<KineResponse<T>?> {
override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) {
override fun onSuccess(response: KineResponse<T>) {
val response = response.body.toString()
override fun onError(e: Throwable) {
.subscribe(object : FlowableSubscriber<KineResponse<T>> {
override fun onError(e: Throwable) {
override fun onSubscribe(s: Subscription) {
override fun onNext(response: KineResponse<T>) {
val response = response.body.toString()
override fun onComplete() {
.subscribe(object : Observer<KineResponse<T>?> {
override fun onError(e: Throwable) {
override fun onNext(response: KineResponse<T>) {
val response = response.body.toString()
override fun onComplete() {
override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) {
Kotlin Coroutine (requires kine-coroutine dependency)
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
val response = "https://example/api/test".httpGet().responseAsCoroutine(clazz)
Download File
// note the progress listener is not called on main thread it is always called on background thread
// for async request and calling thread on sync request
activity?.runOnUiThread {
val progress = "progress ${((downloaded*100)/total)}"
}, { response ->
val savedPath = response.body?.path
}, { e ->
Image Loading (requires kine-imageloader dependency)
Load Bitmap From Url
"https://example/api/test/files/abc.png".loadBitmapResponseFromUrl( { response ->
}, { e -> e.printStackTrace() })
Load Image from Url to ImageView
Cancelling request
Kine.cancelAllRequests() // cancels all request with clients set with Kine
Kine.cancelAllRequests(tag) // cancels all request with that tag with clients
// set with Kine(note passing null will cancel all request)
Individual Request
val client = OkHttpKineClient()
client.cancelAllRequests() // behaves same as above Kine cancel methods
MultiPart Image Upload
File("sdcard/test.apk"),null).setUploadListener { bytesWritten, total -> }.responseAs(User::class.java,{ response->
val response = response.body
For Android
OkHttp 4x
- Min SDK 21+(for OkHttpClient you can write your own client for supporting Api Version below it)
- Java 8+
OkHttp 3x (legacy)
- Min SDK 9+(for OkHttpClient you can write your own client for supporting Api Version below it)
- Java 7+
For Kotlin/Java
- Kotlin 1.4/Java 8+