A sample project for practicing KMP with Jetpack Compose
This is a demo project currently WIP for Compose Multi-Platform
App Architecture
Currently, this app uses MVVM Architecture, which is achieved with a third-party library called Moko.
- Moko for Viewmodels
- PreCompose for Navigation
- Ktor (not used but included for serialization if we pull the data from any API)
- Kamel (also not used but if we need to load images from the internet in future version of the app, we included it)
Previews are only working on the Android side, currently, we include compose preview and compose uiTooling on the build.gradle (:shared) folder only for androidMain. Then inside androidApp we create a preview folder and use the Preview right there.
Since this is a compose multiplatform project, we can preview only on the Android side, but this is not a blocker since the same view will be shown on iOS.
We can create custom themes for iOS look and feel.
Feel free to add any PR that improves the app.