A reactive One-tap SMS verification library with android


Postman is a reactive One-tap SMS verification library. This library allows the usage of RxJava with The SMS User Consent API.


Postman allows you to easily access the SMS. You can access to all message or just verification code if the user allows. You should subscribe before sent SMS to phone.

All Message

This function returns the all message to you if the user allows.

 val postman = Postman(activity = this) // Activity or Fragment
                .subscribe { message ->


Just verification code

This function returns the just verification code to you if the user allows.

val postman = Postman(activity = this) // Activity or Fragment
                .getJustVerificationCode(true) // You can do true this if you want access to just verification code. Default is false
                .verificationCodeSize(4) // You should specify to verification code size if you want access to just verification code.  Default is 4
                .subscribe { verificationCode ->



allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.mertceyhan:Postman:1.0.0'


You can sent to SMS with "Emulator > Extended controls > Phone > SMS message" after subscribe to Postman.
Example SMS; Please enter the following code to confirm your mobile number: 8751
