A project managment app that clones trello
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? About
The app proposal is to be a project managment tool, users can sign up, create boards, add lists to a board and add cards to a list. An user can add members to a specific board and atribute members to cards, so that everybody knows who does what!
This project its on closed-beta, and its actual version only functions with a proper internet connection.
? Account Managment
- All account management and authentication its made by Firebase Authetication.
- All snackbar text related to errors of authetication are managed by Firebase.
- Back-end user doesn’t have access to the user password.
- The system counts with access buttons to both Google and Facebook users.
- Facebook users with accounts that were created purelly with their phone numbers will be asked to add an valid e-mail as well.
? Tools
The project used the following tools:
- Android Studio
- Java
- Intents
- Bundle
- Navegation between Activities
- CardView
- Lógica de Programação
- Pogramação Orientada a Objetos
- Alert Dialog
- RecyclerView
- Coroutines
- Banco de Dados
- Firebase (Realtime, Storage and Messaging)
- Sqlite
- Swipe
- Constraintlayout, framelayout e linearlayout
- Glide
- Custom Toolbar
- ViewPager2
- Dots Indicator
? Library
The project used the following implementations:
- Glide: https://github.com/bumptech/glide
- Circle ImageView: https://github.com/hdodenhof/CircleImageView
- Dots Indicator: https://github.com/tommybuonomo/dotsindicator
Developed by Bernardo Santiago de Souza.