A plugin that allows the wild to slowly take player creations back over


This is a plugin that allows the wild to slowly take player creations back over.



This plugin uses multiple threads (powered by Kotlin’s coroutines) so that
spreading blocks does not affect the main thread.

# Delay in milliseconds between each block processed.
delay: 5
# Number of minutes between each block placement report. Set to 0 to disable.
report_interval: 1.0
# Syncs apply block changes that are queued from spreading/decaying. This 
# controls how frequently those changes are applied, in seconds. Must be set
# above zero.
sync_interval: 0.25
# The max number of blocks that can be changed in one sync.
max_sync_changes: 1000

Decay Group

# A list of materials that decay following these rules
# The chance that a block will decay per time period
chance: 0.2
# Added to chance, every non-air block above this until the first block 
# adds this to the above chance of decay. Set to 0 to disable.
weight_mod: 0.0001
# The blocks this can decay into, chosen randomly.
  - DIRT
# Whether block properties (like rotation, half, and shape) should be randomized.
# Defaults to true.
randomize: true

Spread Group

# The materials that should spread
# The chance between 0 and 1 that a block should spread per time period. 
# Set this lower for more common blocks or else they will quickly overtake 
# everything else.
chance: 0.0005
# How many blocks away should this look for new spaces? 1 means blocks directly
# touching the spreading block, 2 means blocks touching those blocks.
range: 1
# Blocks that this block can spread to
  - DIRT
# If this block should be placed above the target block. Otherwise, replaces the
# target block. Defaults to true.
above: true
# If this block should match the block that's spreading. Defaults to true.
match: false
# If match is false, a block is picked from these types:
# Defaults to empty.
# Whether block properties (like rotation, half, and shape) should be randomized.
# Defaults to true.
randomize: true


  • Kotlin, Kotlin-Reflect and Kotlinx-Coroutines by JetBrains
  • MCCoroutine by Shynixn
  • Jackson by FasterXML


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