A note-taking android application designed to help users easily store, categorize, filter
TakeNote ✓
a note-taking android application designed to help users easily store, categorize, filter and search for their notes.
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download app apk : https://www.mediafire.com/file/bix85vs0pphjitx/TakeNote.apk/file
? Libraries and technologies used
Navigation component: to manage navigation within the app and creating a single activity that contains multiple fragments, rather than creating multiple activities.
Room: to save data (notes) in a local database on the user’s device. This can be useful for caching data or for offline functionality.
MVVM: help in saperating the logic code from the views. This makes the app easier to maintain and update.
Coroutines: a library for asynchronous programming in Kotlin that is used to handle asynchronous background threading, such as network requests or database operations, without blocking the main thread or causing performance issues.
StateFlow: a library for reactive programming in Kotlin that is used to create a stream of data that can be observed and updated in real-time,it is useful for managing the state of the app’s UI, since it allows changes to the data to be propagated to any observers automatically. It supports backpressure.
Dagger Hilt: for dependency injection to simplify the app’s architecture and make it easier to manage dependencies between different components.
View Binding: to automates the process of inflating views in the app’s UI instead of manually inflating views in code.