A Mindustry gradle plugin, named Plumy

Mindustry Gradle Plugin

A Mindustry gradle plugin, named Plumy.


Because this plugin was made in Kotlin, using Kotlin as your DSL is recommended.

  1. Import the plugin to the build script:

    // Groovy as DSL
        // Not yet release

    // Kotlin as DSL
        // Not yet release
  2. Configure the plugin

    // Groovy as DSL
    mindustry {
        projectType = Mod
           dependency {
            mindustry version: 'v135'
            // useMirror version: 'd7312445a1'
            arc version: '123fbf12b9'
        client {
            official version: 'v135' 
            // be version: '22714'
        server {
            official version: 'v135'
            // be version: '22714'
        assets {
            // This affects only the output jar. And as default,
            // it will read ModMeta from the mod.[h]json in the root directory.
                name: 'your-mod-name',
                displayName: 'Your mod',
                main: 'org.example.FooMod',
                author: 'yourself'
        mods {
            worksWith {
                // You can import some mods to work with this mod in here.
                github 'liplum/cyberio'
        deploy {
            // You can configure the deployment task here

    // Kotlin as DSL
    import plumy.mindustry.mindustry
    mindustry {
        dependency {
            mindustry(version = "v135")
            // useMirror(version = "d7312445a1")
            arc(version = "123fbf12b9")
        client {
            official(version = "v135")
            // be(version = "22714")
        server {
            official(version = "v135")
            // be(version = "22714")
        assets {
            // This affects only the output jar. And as default,
            // it will read ModMeta from the mod.[h]json in the root directory.
                name = "your-mod-name",
                displayName = "Your mod",
                main = "org.example.FooMod",
                author = "yourself"
        mods {
            // You can import some mods to work with this mod in here.
            worksWith {
        deploy {
            // You can configure the deployment task here
  3. Import the dependencies of Mindustry.

    // Groovy as DSL
    repositories {
        use(plumy.mindustry.BuildScript) {
    dependencies {
        use(plumy.mindustry.BuildScript) {

    // Kotlin as DSL
    import plumy.mindustry.mindustryRepo
    repositories {
    dependencies {
  4. Run the task In the group, mindustry, there are many tasks for building and debugging mods. Also, you can find them in your IDE.

    # runClient or runServer: to download the game on GitHub and run it.
    .\gradlew runClient
    # deploy: if the android sdk is set properly,
    # a jar compitable on both Desktop and Android will be outputted in ./build/tmp/deploy folder. 
    .\gradew deploy


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