A lightweight, minimalistic dependency injection library for Kotlin/JVM


depenject is a lightweight, minimalistic dependency injection library for Kotlin/JVM.

  • Our goal is similar to flavor’s to simplify the usage of traditional dependency injectors, but instead an approach without annotations.
  • Just like flavor, we use kotlin-exclusive features such as reified types & inline functions and ReadWriteProperty

    • reified types & inline functions allows us to offer an easier approach to injecting & binding.
    • ReadWriteProperty is what we use to avoid having to use annotations. Soon will be used for more than what it’s currently doing.

      • This also makes it (unfortunately) incompatible with Java and other JVM-specific languages.


  • Basic object binding to key, with an optional named property to identify key/objects.
  • Basic injection using the aforementioned ReadWriteProperty .
  • Pipelining to easily retrieve several objects in just a single loop, allowing for further startup optimization.

Should this be used

If you prefer to not use annotations and are not planning to use this for production, feel free to test it out and/or use it for your own projects. Other than that, it’s just a simple library I made for fun. Not expecting people to actually use it. flavor is a very good alternative, which has been tested way more than depenject, and has been tested on several occasions by the author, GrowlyX


After reading all of this and you still feel like you want to use this, here’s some basic usages for injecting & binding.

val injector =
    Injector.create<String>() // this injector will now be bound to the String parent, and will thus be able to be retrieved using the String parent identifier.

class InjectTest
    fun inject()
        injector.bind<String>() to "hey" named "lol"
        injector.bind<Int>() to 5
        injector.bind<Int>() to 9 named "number2" // we're binding the Int type with value 9 to an identifier, namely the "number2" identifier.

        assertEquals("hey", InjectionTest.string)
        assertEquals(5, InjectionTest.number)
        assertEquals(9, InjectionTest.number2)

object InjectionTest
    // simple individual search, from global `injector` field
    val number by injector.inject<Int>()

    // pipelined search
    private val pipelined =
        Inject.by<String>().pipelined() // here we're retrieving the registered Injector to the "String" parent.
            .addType<Int>("number2") // injection is named "number2"

    // all methods following the .pipelined().search() method are the exact same implementation as in Injector and Inject, 
    // but using a pipelined implementation for the backend instead, which means the methods are exactly the same as the aftermentioned classes.
    val string by pipelined.inject<String>()
    val number2 by pipelined.inject<Int>()


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