A lightweight and plug-and-play indefinite pager indicator for RecyclerViews
Android Indefinite Pager Indicator
A lightweight, plug-and-play indefinite pager indicator for RecyclerViews & ViewPagers.
To use the IndefinitePagerIndicator, simply add the gradle dependency to your module's build.gradle
compile 'com.ryanjeffreybrooks:indefinitepagerindicator:1.0.8'
Min SDK supported is version 16 - Jelly Bean.
Getting Started
Attaching the indicator to a RecyclerView or Viewpager takes only one line of code. After this, the Indefinite Pager Indicator will handle everything else.
- Add the IndefinitePagerIndicator view to your XML file
- Find the view in your activity, fragment, etc.
- Attach the RecyclerView to your IndefinitePagerIndicator
That's it! The IndefinitePagerIndicator will handle updating as your RecyclerView does.
- Add the IndefinitePagerIndicator view to your XML file
- Find the view in your activity, fragment, etc.
- Attach the ViewPager to your IndefinitePagerIndicator
That's it! The IndefinitePagerIndicator will handle updating as your ViewPager does.
The position of the ViewPager can also be changed programmatically with viewPager.setCurrentItem(position)
and the IndefinitePagerIndicator will update successfully.
A sample application is included in the repository. To view the sample:
- Clone the repository locally
git clone git@github.com:rbro112/Android-Indefinite-Pager-Indicator.git
- Build and run the sample module.
To customize the IndefinitePagerIndicator, modify any of the following attributes in the XML code for your IndefinitePagerIndicator view.
Attribute | Explanation | Default Value | Example Code | Result |
dotRadius | The radius of a dot indicator in DP. | 4dp | app:dotRadius="8dp" |
selectedDotRadius | The radius of the currently selected dot indicator in DP. | 5.5dp | app:selectedDotRadius="6dp" |
dotColor | The color of a dot indicator. | #e8e8e8 | app:dotColor="#ff0000" |
selectedDotColor | The color of the currently selected dot indicator. | #ffffff | app:selectedDotColor="#ff0000" |
dotSeparation | The distance from edge to edge of each dot in DP. | 10dp | app:dotSeparation="16dp" |
dotCount | The number of large visible dot indicators at any time. | 5 | app:dotCount="3" |
fadingDotCount | The number of dot indicators that fade towards the edge. | 1 | app:fadingDotCount="2" |
supportRTL | Adds support for RTL ViewPagers (Thanks @wching!) | false | app:supportRTL="true" |
If current layout mode is RTL, indicator will move from right to left with scrolling. |
Actively working on these. If you would like to help, submit a PR!
"Instagram" style -- Selected dot starts at the left of the view rather than starting in the center.
Vertical layout support.
Support for padding.