A library with the help of we can draw many different shapes like polygon
Map Drawing Manager
MDM is a library with the help of we can draw many different shapes like polygon, polyline and many more on the google map with editable mode.
Key Features:
- Draw any shape by touch on map
- Resize any shape by drag
- Remove any individual or all shapes from map
- Auto calculate the size of shapes drawn on map
- Customize shapes properties like color, stroke etc
- Easy callbacks for shapes draw, update and remove
Sample app using MDM:
- Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
- Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.devendroid:MapDrawingManager:1.0.0'
// Simple Initialization
supportMapFragment.getMapAsync { googleMap ->
val mapDrawingManager = MDMBuilder(baseContext).withMap(googleMap).build()
mapDrawingManager?.removeListener = this //OnShapeRemoveListener
mapDrawingManager?.drawListener = this //OnShapeDrawListener
mapDrawingManager?.shapeType = ShapeType.POLYGON