A library to help developer faster on view an image full screen
This is a library to help developer faster on view an image full screen which has some gesture like double tap to zoom, span, zoom in/out, move.
- Add to build.gradle in app level
implementation 'com.github.tntkhang:full-screen-image-view-library:1.1.0'
- Call open a FullScreenImageViewActivity and sent some appropriate data.
Intent fullImageIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, FullScreenImageViewActivity.class);
// uriString is an ArrayList<String> of URI of all images
fullImageIntent.putExtra(FullScreenImageViewActivity.URI_LIST_DATA, uriString);
// pos is the position of image will be showned when open
fullImageIntent.putExtra(FullScreenImageViewActivity.IMAGE_FULL_SCREEN_CURRENT_POS, pos);