A library for easy creation of state machines using advanced concepts of kotlin
This is a library for easy creation of state machines using advanced concepts of kotlin. As of 2/15/2022, this library only works in kotlin, but will be expanded to work in Java later (whenever I get bored enough to rewrite an entire code structure in java :/ ).
For creating a state machine, you can use the AGStateMachineBuilder.kt class, such as follows:
val stateMachine = AGStateMachineBuilder {
state("first") {
enter {
//code that runs one time when entering the state
loop {
//code that runs every time the state is active
true //some condition here that returne a boolean, (ALWAYS PUT AT AND OF SEGMENT)
exit {
//code that runs one time when exiting the state
state("second") {
enter {
//code that runs one time when entering the state
loop {
//code that runs every time the state is active
true //some condition here that returne a boolean, (ALWAYS PUT AT AND OF SEGMENT)
exit {
//code that runs one time when exiting the state
//since this is the last state, we dont need a next stage call here
So now we defined a state machine, and we can use it to create a state machine object like so:
while (!stateMachine.allStatesCompleted){