A Kotlin Multiplayform I/O library (buffers, async streams)


A Kotlin Multiplatform IO library that supports the JS (node only), JVM, and Native targets.


Kio releases are published to Maven Central. Replace {version} with the latest version of Kio.



Kio allows you to interface with asynchronous and synchronous data.


For synchronous data, Kio provides the following interfaces:

  • AbsoluteReader
  • AbsoluteWriter
  • SequentialReader
  • SequentialWriter

A Buffer implements all of these interfaces and is very useful. It represents a sequence of bytes that can be indexed similar to a ByteArray however has the ability to grow along with the data you put into it. A Buffer keeps track of its current “read” and “write” heads, which lets you do sequential write/read operations.


For asynchronous data, Kio provides the following interfaces:

  • AsyncReader
  • AsyncWriter

These may be useful for streaming data (reading a large file), and you want to process it as you read the data. They provide similar functionality to the SequentialReader/Writer, and can often be used to replace Java Input/OutputStreams (see InputStream#toAsyncReader and OutputStream#toAsyngWriter).


This project is published under the MIT license.


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