A Kotlin library for interacting with Discord via IPC
A Kotlin library for interacting with Discord via IPC
- Fully documented codebase
- macOS and Linux support (including M1 Macs, Windows support is coming soon)
- Easy to use Kotlin DSL for building presence objects
You can add KDiscordIPC to your project via Jitpack:
repositories {
// Required to retrieve KDiscordIPC from GitHub
dependencies {
<div class=”highlight highlight-source-kotlin position-relative” data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content=”import dev.cbyrne.kdiscordipc.*
fun main(args: Array) {
val ipc = DiscordIPC(” application id”) Once the READY event is received, the presence will be set This can be set at any time unless the connection has been closed ipc.presence = presence { state=”Testing…” details=”Hello world” largeImageKey=”icon” largeImageText=”So cool!” } ipc.listener = object : IPCListener { override fun onReadyEvent(event: DiscordEvent.Ready) { println(“User: ${event.user}”) You could also set the presence in here if you wish ipc.presence = … } } ipc.connect() } “>
import dev.cbyrne.kdiscordipc.* fun main(args: Array<String>) { val ipc = DiscordIPC("application id") // Once the READY event is received, the presence will be set // This can be set at any time unless the connection has been closed ipc.presence = presence { state = "Testing..." details = "Hello world" largeImageKey = "icon" largeImageText = "So cool!" } ipc.listener = object : IPCListener { override fun onReadyEvent(event: DiscordEvent.Ready) { println("User: ${event.user}") // You could also set the presence in here if you wish // ipc.presence = ... } } ipc.connect() }