A graphql server library for kotlin

Kaguya Shinomiya (Don’t touch my harem)

A GraphQL library based on graphql-java with kotlin-friendly builders and ktor routing extensions.

How to set up on ktor

The following is an example of using it.

data class Entity(
    val name: String

val EntityObjectType = GraphQLObjectType<Entity> {
    name = "Entity"
    description = "Some entity."

    field(Entity::name) {
        description = "The name of the entity."

    field("nameWithCustomVar") {
        type = GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)

        resolver {
            it.name + graphQlContext.get("myCustomVar")

fun Application.configureGraphQL() {
    graphql {
        graphiql = true

        context {
            put("myCustomVar", Math.random())

        schema {
            query {
                description = "The root query."

                field("getEntityWithName") {
                    type = EntityObjectType
                    description = "Get an entity instance."

                    val nameArg = argument<String> {
                        type = GraphQLString
                        name = "name"
                        description = "The name of the entity."

                    resolver {


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