A demo android app representing implementation of SE principles in android app development
Articles Demo
This repository contains a sample Android App that shows most popular articles data from NY Times API. This is a sample app that shows how different jetpack libraries interact with each other. The app code follows SOLID principles by implementing Clean Architecture. The basic purpose of this project is to show how Android apps are structured and developed at DevCrew.IO.
Clean Architecture Implementation
The project has the following three packages.
- Data
Layer that contains repositories, API (Network), Persistence DB. - Domain
Layer that contains Entities, Use Cases, and Repository interfaces. - Presentation
Layer that contains UI related stuff like Views and ViewModel etc
Home | Detail |
Build With
This project follow MVVM base Clean Architecture. The following tools and technologies have been used to develop:
Tools and Technology
Tool | Version |
Android Studio | Arctic Fox 2020.3.1 |
Kotlin | 1.6.10 |
XML | |
Gradle | 7.0.4 |
JDK | 11 |
JetPack Libraries
The following libraries have used in this project:
- Hilt DI
- DataBinding, ViewBinding
- Navigation Component
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- Retrofit2
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Lifecycle aware
Getting Starting
Before you set up the project please make sure you have installed required min versions of tools installed mentioned in above Development Tools table. Otherwise you may come to build errors.
Here are simple steps to setup project:
- Clone the repo
https://github.com/WaseemAbbas-DevCrew/articles-demo.git |
- Make sure you have checked out master branch
- Open project in your preferred IDE (Android Studio)
You can run and test the app on Android devices. To build and & run the app simply press the RUN button from Android Studio.
Waseem Abbas (Sr. Software Engineer at DevCrew.IO).
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
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