A custom toast message with android


A custom toast message in android.


Add this in your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file):

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }


Add this to your module's build.gradle file (make sure the version matches the JitPack badge above):

dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.vedraj360:DesignerToast:0.1.2'


To display an default Toast:

DesignerToast.defaultToast("yourContext","Default Toast",Gravity.CENTER,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

To display a success Toast:

DesignerToast.Success("yourContext", "Success Toast", Gravity.CENTER, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

To display the error Toast:

DesignerToast.Error("yourContext", "Error Toast", Gravity.CENTER, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

To display a warning Toast:

DesignerToast.Warning("yourContext","Warning Toast",Gravity.CENTER,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

To display an info Toast:

DesignerToast.Info("yourContext", "Info Toast", Gravity.CENTER, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

Custom Toast ?❤️?

To display the custom Toast:

Prameters Required -> Context, Message, Gravity, Toast Length, Custom Background, Text Size, Text Color,
Toast Image,Layout Width, Layout Height.

DesignerToast.Custom(this,"Custom Toast",Gravity.CENTER,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT,
R.drawable.my_custom_shape,20,"#FFFFFF",R.drawable.ic_person, 200, 200);

Screenshots ?❤️?

Please click the image below to enlarge.

Dark Theme Toast

Just write DesignerToast.STYLE_DARK in parameter


To display a success Toast:

DesignerToast.Success("yourContext", "Success",, "Hello this is demo success!",Gravity.CENTER, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT,DesignerToast.STYLE_DARK);

To display the error Toast:

DesignerToast.Success("yourContext", "Error",, "Hello this is demo error!",Gravity.CENTER, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT,DesignerToast.STYLE_DARK);

To display a warning Toast:

DesignerToast.Success("yourContext", "Warning",, "Hello this is demo warning!",Gravity.CENTER, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT,DesignerToast.STYLE_DARK);

To display an info Toast:

DesignerToast.Success("yourContext", "Info",, "Hello this is demo info!",Gravity.CENTER, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT,DesignerToast.STYLE_DARK);

Dark Theme Screenshots


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Any contributions, large or small, major features, bug fixes, are welcomed and appreciated
but will be thoroughly reviewed .
