A Common Material Design dialog fragments


Common dialog fragments based on https://github.com/afollestad/material-dialogs


  • handles fragments save/restore states for you automatically
  • includes mechanism to handle dialog events (even after screen restoration) inside activity and/or fragments
  • includes some special dialogs (extracted in own modules) like e.g. a custom color dialog, text and number dialogs, multi text and number dialogs, a fast adapter recycler view dialog, an ads dialog - maybe even more to come
  • also supports to show dialogs as dialog or bottom sheet
  • easily extendable - create you own dialogs, simply check out the extension modules


Simple info dialog Info dialog with Timeout + Warning Info dialog with HTML content
Simple list dialog Multi select list dialog with images Multi select list dialog with custom check marks
Multi click list dialog Custom parcelable data list dialog Color picker dialog
Datetime dialog EditText dialog Multi EditText dialog
Number dialog Custom number dialog Multi number dialog
Progress dialog Frequency dialog Debug settings dialog

Gradle (via JitPack.io)

  1. add jitpack to your project's build.gradle:
repositories {
    maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
  1. add the implementation statement(s) to your module's build.gradle:
dependencies {

	// --------
	// core - DialogInfo, DialogList, DialogProgress
	// --------
	implementation "com.github.MFlisar.MaterialDialogFragments:dialogs:<LATEST-VERSION>"
	// --------
	// optional
	// --------
	// input - DialogInput, DialogNumber, DialogNumberPicker
	implementation "com.github.MFlisar.MaterialDialogFragments:dialogs-input:<LATEST-VERSION>"
	// specials	
	implementation "com.github.MFlisar.MaterialDialogFragments:dialogs-datetime:<LATEST-VERSION>"
	implementation "com.github.MFlisar.MaterialDialogFragments:dialogs-fastadapter:<LATEST-VERSION>"	
	implementation "com.github.MFlisar.MaterialDialogFragments:dialogs-color:<LATEST-VERSION>"
	implementation "com.github.MFlisar.MaterialDialogFragments:dialogs-frequency:<LATEST-VERSION>"
	implementation "com.github.MFlisar.MaterialDialogFragments:dialogs-ads:<LATEST-VERSION>"

	// --------
	// alternatively, to include ALL modules at once
	// --------
	// implementation 'com.github.MFlisar:MaterialDialogFragments:<LATEST-VERSION>'


Usage is very simply, you only need to do following:

  • Activities or Fragments using the dialog fragments must implement the simple DialogFragmentCallback interface:

      interface DialogFragmentCallback {
      	fun onDialogResultAvailable(event: BaseDialogEvent): Boolean
  • you create a dialog with the corresponding setup class like e.g.:

      	"Info Title".asText(),
      	"Some info label".asText()
  • in the DialogFragmentCallback you can handle the result now like following:

      override fun onDialogResultAvailable(event: BaseDialogEvent): Boolean {
          return when (event) {
      		is DialogInfoEvent -> {
      			Toast.makeText(this, "Info dialog closed - ID = ${event.id}", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
      		} else false

That's all. Optionally you can set up some global settings like following, preferably in your application class once only:


The DialogSetup offers some other settings as well.

Check the demo app for more informations.

