A bot allows you to display some information about your v rising server on Discord

V Rising Discord Bot

This bot allows you to display some information about your v rising server on discord.


Command Description
/add-server <server-hostname> <server-query-port> Adds a server to the status monitor.
/list-servers Lists all server status monitors.
/remove-server <server-status-monitor-id> Removes a server from the status monitor.

Please note that all commands are guild specific.

Configuration Properties

Property Type Description Default value
bot.discord-bot-token String The token for the discord bot. You can find this in the discord developer portal. null
bot.database-path Path The path to the database file. Should be overwritten when running inside a docker container. ./bot.db
bot.database-username String The username for the database. v-rising-discord-bot
bot.database-password String The password for the database. null
bot.display-player-gear-level Boolean Whether or not to display the gear level in the player list. true

How to run it yourself using docker-compose

Find the latest docker image here.

    image: ghcr.io/darkatra/v-rising-discord-bot:1.2.1
      - /opt/v-rising-discord-bot:/data/v-rising-discord-bot
      - BOT_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=<your-discord-bot-token>
      - BOT_DATABASE_PATH=/data/v-rising-discord-bot/bot.db
      - BOT_DATABASE_PASSWORD=<the-database-password>
    restart: unless-stopped

Please note that the container uses user 1000:1000. Make sure that this user has read and write permissions on the volume, in this case /opt/v-rising-discord-bot.

How to run it yourself without docker

  1. Build the application using mvn clean verify
  2. Check the target folder and find a file called v-rising-discord-bot:<version>.jar
  3. Copy that file to any directory of you choice and create a file application.yml with the following content in the same directory:

      discord-bot-token: <your-discord-bot-token>
      database-password: <the-database-password>
  4. Run the application using java -jar v-rising-discord-bot:<version>.jar
  5. Profit

If you run the application in a Linux environment, make sure that you use a separate user. This user only needs read and write permissions for the bot.db database file and read permissions for the application.yml, both of which are located in the applications working directory by default.

You can change the location of the database file by modifying the application.yml slightly:

  discord-bot-token: <your-discord-bot-token>
  database-password: <the-database-password>
  database-path: /data/bot.db


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