SaveIt - A simple android application made that help you to manage your password

SaveIt ?

SaveIt is a simple android application made using Kotlin, for managing your password.

About this app ?

SaveIt is a app where you can store all your login credentials and other informations(i.e. password,username,email and etc) of the apps that you use daily, in a secure and organized way.

Purpose of this app ?

I see a lot of peoples are tried of memorizing all their passwords, me also sometimes forgot the login credentials. So, after thinking about this situations, this app is build, to help user’s to store their passwords and other information in a secured and organized manner.

Made With ?

  • Kotlin – First class and official programming language for Android development.
  • Room – Room is an android library which is an ORM which wraps android’s native SQLite database
  • Coroutines – Coroutines are used to perform two or more tasks parallely or asynchronously. They are very useful when you need to load data from cloud into your app.
  • Firebase – Firebase is an app development platform that helps you build and grow apps and games users love. Backed by Google and trusted by millions of businesses around the world.
  • Material Components for Android – Material Components for Android (MDC-Android) help developers execute Material Design. Developed by a core team of engineers and UX designers at Google, these components enable a reliable development workflow to build beautiful and functional Android apps.
  • Password Strength Meter – Password strength meter is an easy-to-implement and flexible password strength indicator for Android. It is fully customizable and features an animated strength indicator and a matching label.


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